Team Member Spotlight! Meet Jewel Sirjue

Jewel Sirjue is a birth doula and newborn care specialist with Doulas of Capitol Hill. Her warmth and professionalism is an asset to all the families who choose to work with her.

  1. When did you find your Passion, or when did it find you?In college most of the jobs I held were in daycares and early learning centers. I loved working with the littles especially infants. Caring for babies came naturally to me. After graduating from Howard University I took a job as a full time nanny in downtown DC and knew then that I was passionate about working closely with families with young children. Being a nanny offered me the opportunity to forge close bonds and provide invaluable support to new parents. This proved to be very rewarding to me and I knew I was in the right field.

  2. If a kid walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give ‘em your best tip, what would it be?

  3. Respect the adults in your life who care about you as they more than likely have your best interests at heart. Often times children think that parents (or any other adult guardian figures) just do not understand. Remember that they were once in your shoes and only want to guide you in the right direction!

  4. What makes you proud of yourself?

  5. My confidence. I used to be very shy and fearful of speaking up. In my twenties I found my voice and started to believe in myself. This has helped me accomplish many personal and professional goals.

  6. What do you love about your life?

  7. Hands down the thing I love most about my life is my family! My parents have been married for 31 years and provided the absolute best life for me and my two younger sisters. We are extremely close-knit and see each other frequently. When my sister gave birth we were all present and it was one of the best experiences of my life! Any time we are together there is lots of laughter, love, and delicious food (we are West Indian so lots of Caribbean cuisine YUM!) to be shared! My boyfriend and sweet little cavapoo are also gems in my tiny little world. Family means everything to me.

  8. What did you want to be when you grew up?

  9. An elementary school teacher. 2nd grade to be exact! And a stay-at-home mom.

  10. What are your top three values?

  11. Honesty, Empathy, and Compassion

  12. Tell me about your favorite book or movie.

  13. I am an avid reader so there are so many! My favorite of all time is Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi. It’s an incredible story about the descendents of two sisters born in Ghana, one being sold into slavery and the other remaining in Ghana. I love everything Black History!

  14. How do you like to be told you’re doing a good job?

  15. My love language is words of affirmation. For me verbal and written praise goes a long way.

  16. Who is your role model and why?

  17. My parents are my biggest role models. My father came to this country as an immigrant with little money and created this amazing life for me and my sisters. My mother got her MBA in Accounting and graduated with a 4.0 gpa while nine months pregnant with two young children in tow! They showed me that hard work and perseverance will take you far in life and bring much success. I still want to be like them when I grow up and I’m 30 haha!

  18. If you had any superpower, what would it be?

  19. My superpower would be the ability to be in more places than one at a time! 

  20. How would you describe your (doula) style?

  21. My doula style is very calm and supportive. I try to take my client’s lead and help them trust their body and instincts.

  22. Describe yourself in 5 words

  23. Outgoing, supportive, jovial, loving, and intuitive.


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